How to Get Back on Your Feet After a Work Injury

When you are hurt on the job, your first priority should be getting medical attention. Then you should create a plan to address your needs until you return to work.

Injured workers have many rights under New York law. A skilled workers’ compensation lawyer can help you protect these rights.

See Your Doctor

If you’ve been injured at work, getting medical treatment right away is essential for both your health and your workers comp claim. Not only does it ensure that your injuries are treated but it also creates documentation that can help you avoid any disputes with your employer …

Building Strength and Flexibility with Pilates

Pilates is a low-impact workout that emphasizes controlled movements and good breathing habits to increase strength and flexibility. It was created in the early 20th century by Joseph Pilates and has grown in popularity recently as a means of enhancing balance, posture and general physical fitness. Motion and Thought Pilates is a well-known Pilates facility that provides a variety of classes and programs to assist people improve their general health and well-being by increasing their strength and flexibility.

Pilates emphasizes the core muscles, which include the abdominals, lower back, and hips, which is one of its key advantages. You may …